Monday, March 29, 2010

Dramatic B&W

The theme this week at i♥faces is “Dramatic B&W”.  This is a photo of my 4-year-old son meeting his now 11-day-old little sister at the hospital.  He insisted we were having a girl my whole pregnancy, even though we didn’t know which we were having, and he loved her before he met her.  I love the look of love on his face.

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Be sure to check out some beautiful entries at i♥faces.


  1. What a beautiful picture! And that sweet little boy!

  2. that is a great shot, one to keep for sure

  3. Isn't it amazing what children know! My son has been telling us about his "sister"... since before I got pregnant!

    Here's mine.

  4. Wow he looks so happy and so in love...he's gonna be a super protective big brother!!

  5. Big brothers are the best. I love this shot=)

  6. such a sweet photo!
