Monday, January 18, 2010

You Capture - Winter

Okay, I know You Capture at i should be folding laundry was last Thursday, but my internet hasn’t been working and I had all these pictures I took last week of “winter” around my house, so I am posting this REALLY late!  We’ve had a cool frost a couple times in the last week, so most of these are of that, but they all have one thing in them – lots of SNOW! 

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I have so many more, but that was way too many already!  Be sure to check out everyone else’s cool pics at i should be folding laundry.



  1. OH my goodnes these are AMAZING!! I can't pick a favorite because they are all so beautiful! We don't get snow here so I'm amazed at how the icecicles and trees and fences have thorn like things sticking off of them...what is that?

  2. Seriously, those are awesome pics! Of course I love the deer ones, but those trees in the fog and that frost is just breath taking! You should submit those pics in a contest. Were the deer pics taken at your place too?

  3. Thanks girls!

    Jenna - that's called hoar was very foggy and the frost lasted for a few hours in the morning then melted away.

    Gina - the deer pics were taken out the van window as were about to pull in my mom and dad's driveway. I put more on facebook - there's a buck in those.

  4. WOW! Are those ever neat snow pictures! What a snow storm! I love the foggy snow effect too. And great shot on the two deer running together. The deer must be fairly tame?
